Sunday, April 20, 2008

Are Changes Good ?

Ever go to a mall after several months or a year of not being there? Only to find that all the familiar places such as shows, eating places and shops are no longer there. Shows you the ever changing city that we live in. Wandering aimlessly around a mall to find the perfect gift only to find that the sale items on clothing are almost in non existent sizes. Getting knocked about by the steady rush of people moving through the aisles, or around the salespeople trying to steer you in what they hope is the right direction. Living in a big cosmopolitan city, going to the big malls is a challenge in itself, not like when you were younger, light on the feet and more spring in your step. Old familiar places some are there, some are gone. Restructuring and remodeling, some good ideas and some not so good. Shows you the ever changing city that we live in, some old familiar places long forgotten long gone, still come to mind. What changes have you seen at your fav mall?

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